Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

10 years!Today Jared & I celebrate ten years of marriage and I can't help
feeling like I'm the luckiest girl on the planet.

Thank you, Babe, for the best ten years and for the blessing you are in my life!

Just for fun...

Just a few of my favorite memories from the last ten years:

- Living simply the first few years of marriage
- Playing games together
- Finishing two bachelors and one masters degree
- Building our first home together
- Hiking slot canyons and bamboo forests
-Traveling through Europe together
- Learning to scuba dive and going Lobster hunting
- Becoming parents for the first time as Brig joined our family
- Camping trips, family reunions, and cabin trips
- Laughing together
- Laying out under the stars and chatting together
- Welcoming Jessa into our family
- Tickling our two little munchkins
- Traveling just the two of us to Costa Rica

I love you more than ever, Jared!
Thanks for sharing these ten years with me!